A New Home and New Pictures, Cranbury NJ Family Photographer

A Grow with Me client who also happened to purchase a new home.  What could be better?  We took advantage of the 1 year session to have it at this family’s new home.  And it was such a great time!  The property had so many little spots for pictures, and the kids loved being able to show me their new digs.  I’m so sad that this year of photographing the family is over, but I know I will see them often for updates.  Truly one of the best things about seeing a family so frequently during this time, you get to be friends.  Enjoy your sneak peek {H} family, and congratulations on such a wonderful home.  All my best, xo, Jen.

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photography by jen davis, 609-439-1525, photographybyjendavis@gmail.com

Jen is princeton & robbinsville nj's top family & event photographer. she is known for creating fun, fresh, and modern portraiture for bar/bat mitzvah events, headshot, commercial, babies, children, and families. she also teaches and mentors hobbyists and professional photographers.