
Bald is Beautiful, Zion’s Story, NJ Family Photographer

Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer

Bald is Beautiful.

I did not realize until recently that September is Sickle Cell Disease Awareness month!  Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of meeting the Hicks family when mom reached out to me via Facebook after seeing my photographs shared on a mutual friend’s page.  She asked if I would document a special event.  Her daughter Zion is 4 years old and suffers from Sickle Cell disease.  She will be going into the hospital in the next few weeks for chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant to potentially cure her condition.  Zion and her mom, Sara, live with her grandmother Deborah in Trenton and they were wondering if I would come by the house and document the three of them shaving their heads in support of Zion.  Having never had a haircut, Zion would lose her hair unwittingly, and this would help prevent that stress.

Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer

The first stroke of the clippers after her long locks were cut off.

Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer

Zion’s teacher made her a book to bring with her.

Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer

Before the shaves.

I am in awe of the strength of this mom and family and of course I said they could absolutely count on me.  Last Sunday, we all gathered outside, masked and socially distant due to covid and to protect this little soul, and I documented the head shaving with tears streaming down my cheeks and pooling at the top of my mask.  Zion never cried once, she was so calm, maybe a bit overwhelmed but smiled and showed her enormous warrior princess strength through it all.  Her warrior princess doll, who she was ‘twinning’ with for the event, was by her side as she helped shave mom’s hair and then mom sat her down and cut her precious locks and shaved her head.  They finished off with Grandma’s head, and then this family’s community prayed over them.  It was an incredibly moving afternoon for me.  The strength of this family and how much this little girl has had to endure, there are no words.  Needless to say, I hugged my kids extra tight that night and prayed for them.Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ PhotographerSickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer

In case you don’t know about Sickle Cell Disease (like I didn’t!), along with a bit about Zion:  People with this disease sometimes don’t live beyond their 20’s with an average life expectancy of 40 years. Sickle Cell Disease can harm  a persons spleen, brain, eyes, lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, joints, bones and skin, basically anywhere that blood flows.  Over time SCD can lead to complications such as infections, delayed growth, and severe pain crises. It can also cause strokes even in young children that can affect their physical body and cognitive status or cause death.  Zion was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease when she was only 10 days old. She has type SS, the most severe kind.  Zion has already been hospitalized more than 30 times and is traumatized by the numerous blood draws, IV’s , X-Rays, MRI’s and invasive procedures. In addition to Sickle Cell Disease, Zion wears bilateral hearing aides and requires a feeding tube that delivers formula thru a tube in her belly due to feeding problems.  Despite all this, Zion is a very happy and funny child. She can be shy at first, but warms up and keeps us laughing. She is so affectionate and loving, and loves snuggling with her mom the most. Zion loves her 3 dogs and is very creative with her imagination.  She loves being outside in the warm weather, and enjoys swimming when she can. She attends a special school for hearing impaired children and is learning American Sign Language.

Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer

Being prayed over with their community.

Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer

Post shave smiles.

Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer

Zion with her favorite dolls.

Sickle Cell Awareness Children with Cancer NJ Photographer


If the images or story moved you in any way, please consider sharing this post or even donating to help this family.  They have a Go Fund Me page, as well as an Amazon Wish List for items that will help them in the hospital.  Because of covid, mom will be by herself with Zion during all her treatments and while in isolation.

GO FUND ME:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/princess-zion-beats-sickle-cell-disease

AMAZON:  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3N0OV65CC06AF?ref_=wl_share&fbclid=IwAR1f9LKRy2wyrFWVJPoyRZtlsf4H0A-jZzrL6d05gGgau3XcxBpnKCs4Btw

Thanks for reading, and whatever is in your heart, whether it be good vibes or prayer, let’s send some out to the Hicks family for Zion.

photography by jen davis, 609-439-1525, photographybyjendavis@gmail.com

Jen is princeton & robbinsville nj's top family & event photographer. she is known for creating fun, fresh, and modern portraiture for bar/bat mitzvah events, headshot, commercial, babies, children, and families. she also teaches and mentors hobbyists and professional photographers.